Omed Omedan 2023

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The tradition which we can learn about the sense of togetherness and the close kinship. This event is usually held after the celebration of the silence day.

Omed omedan is a ceremony held by young people from Banjar Kaja, Sesetan, Denpasar. Omed omedan is held every year after Nyepi Day. Namely, on the day of Ngembak Geni to welcome the Saka New Year. Omed-omedan comes from a language which means attraction.

Omed-omedan involves sekaa teruna teruni or young people aged 17 to 30 years and are not married. The omed-omedan procession begins with praying together to ask for salvation. After praying, participants were divided into two groups, men and women. The two groups took positions facing each other on the main village road. After an elder gave the signal, the two groups, faced each other and tugged at each other. Participants in this ceremony consisted of 40 men and 60 women. The rest of the participants will be reserved for the next stage. This omed-omedan method is an attraction using bare hands between a man and a woman and is splashed with water.


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Love Bali Application as the Implementation of Bali Province Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2023 concerning Levy for Foreign Tourists for the Protection of Balinese Culture and Natural Environment.