Love Bali invites you to join in supporting the tourism industry, with a focus on protecting the culture and natural environment of Bali.

As a form of support that aims to protect the customs, traditions, arts and culture, and local wisdom of the Balinese people. Bali will impose levy for the international tourist.
Efforts and innovations will continue to be made for maintenance the culture and the natural environment in Bali. There will also continue to be an improvement in the quality of services.

Places of Interest

The most well-known place in Bali, to make your holiday perfect and dont be missed!


Pantai Pandawa

Pandawa Beach may still sound unfamiliar and not-so-famous for today. But this beach has a million charms that have not been exposed and are still squeezed by limestone cliffs. Situated in the village of kutuh, Sub-District of South Kuta, Badung Regency, it is located approximately 3 km from the tourist area of Nusa Dua and Uluwatu Temple. Originally, Pandava Beach is known as the Secret Beach, because it’s hidden behind a row of rocky hills which is just overgrown by bushes. But now access to get there is easier to follow by motor vehicles. Road access are intentionally made by splitting towering limestone hills creating the view around the beach being very exotic. By the beaches, the limestone cliffs are perforated and engraved with beautiful sculpture characters as the place of the Five Pandava in the Mahabharata story. The Panorama of the beach is so beautiful and charming. With clean white sand with a bluish-green ocean waters, this beach is very suitable for bathing or swimming as the waves break in the middle of the sea. It is located to the East, make us possible to enjoy such a beautiful sunrise at the beach. The other charm of Pandawa Beach is the activity of seaweed farmers along the coast. In addition, we can see the activity of paragliding and motor trail up the Hill. Because the beach is located in line with Gunung Payung Beach, Kutuh Village, so we can enjoy a beautiful view of the waterfall of Gunung Payung Beach that spills to the beach.   Photo Source :

Pantai Pandawa

kuta selatan, Kabupaten Badung

Water Blow

kuta selatan, Kabupaten Badung

Yeh Panas Penatahan

tabanan, Kabupaten Tabanan


manggis, Kabupaten Karangasem

Pantai Watu Klotok

klungkung, Kabupaten Klungkung

Ekowisata Bukit Cemeng

bangli, Kabupaten Bangli

Desa Wisata Taman Sari / Undisan

tembuku, Kabupaten Bangli


Every year, millions of people flock to Bali to witness the spectacular, extravagant religious events and artistry of the Island.

Latest Event

Ubud Writers and Reader Festival

The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival (UWRF) 2024 is set to take place in October 23 - 27, 2024 in the cultural heart of Bali, Ubud. The theme for this year, "Satyam Vada Dharmam Chara", meaning "Speak the Truth, Practice Kindness," draws inspiration from the Mahabharata and focuses on the values of truth and kindness. This resonates with the Balinese Hindu concept of "Tri Pramana"—the three human powers of living, speaking, and thinking. The festival will feature engaging conversations, performances, workshops, literary dinners, and cultural tours. It also provides opportunities for emerging writers through various programs, including the Book Launch Program and Writers' Retreat

See what is happening in Bali right now.

Bali, is paradise island of Indonesia, offers a rich diversity of experiences that you will never forget. What are the latest news and updates about Bali?

galungan and tourism in bali: a fusion of culture and spiritual charm

Galungan is not only a sacred moment for Hindus in Bali but also holds significant appeal for tourism. This celebration showcases Bali's rich cultural and spiritual traditions, attracting both domestic and international visitors. During the Galungan festivities, tourists can not only observe the spiritual life of the Balinese but also experience a deep connection to the island’s vibrant culture. Galungan: A Fascinating Cultural Attraction The Galungan celebration lasts for ten days, starting from Sugihan Day and ending with Kuningan Day. During this period, Bali is adorned with penjor, bamboo poles decorated with coconut leaves, flowers, fruits, and rice, placed in front of homes and temples. These penjors, lining the streets of villages and cities, create a distinct visual spectacle that draws tourists eager to explore the rich symbolism and spiritual significance behind the decorations. At major temples such as Besakih Temple, Tanah Lot Temple, and Uluwatu Temple, visitors can witness religious rituals and prayer ceremonies performed by the Hindu community. The sight of devotees dressed in traditional attire, carrying offerings, becomes a unique attraction for tourists wanting to immerse themselves in Balinese culture. For many, participating in or observing the Galungan prayers at a temple provides a profound spiritual experience.   Spiritual and Cultural Appeal Galungan, symbolizing the triumph of dharma (good) over adharma (evil), also offers an opportunity for tourists to delve deeper into the teachings of Balinese Hinduism. Many tourists are fascinated by the spiritual values behind the traditions, such as the balance between good and evil, and how Hindus honor their ancestors through offerings and prayers. Some travel agencies in Bali offer special cultural packages during the Galungan period, allowing tourists to participate in traditional activities. For example, visitors can join workshops on making penjor, try crafting traditional offerings (canang sari), or take spiritual tours to significant temples that are bustling with devotees during Galungan. Galungan's Impact on Tourism In the context of tourism, Galungan positively affects Bali's tourism industry. Many tourists plan their trips to coincide with Galungan, resulting in increased demand for accommodation, restaurants, and tour services. Hotels and villas often offer special packages that include cultural experiences, such as witnessing ceremonies at temples or enjoying traditional Balinese cuisine during this period. Moreover, cultural tourism has become one of Bali’s main attractions, and Galungan plays a vital role in promoting Bali as a destination rich in spiritual and cultural values. Through the unique experience of Galungan, tourists can appreciate the depth of traditions behind the celebration while enjoying the island's natural beauty and the warmth of its people. Sustainable Collaboration between Culture and Tourism Bali’s success in preserving traditions like Galungan while maintaining its status as a world-class tourist destination highlights the effective collaboration between local culture and the tourism industry. The Balinese government and community continue to strive for a balance between welcoming tourists and safeguarding cultural preservation. Efforts such as regulating visiting hours to temples during celebrations and restricting access to sacred areas during religious ceremonies are part of the measures to maintain harmony between tourists and the local community. Galungan not only serves as a significant moment for Hindus in Bali but also as a time that connects the outside world to Bali's rich cultural and spiritual heritage. Through cultural tourism that introduces the values of Galungan to the world, Bali further solidifies its position as a destination that offers not only natural beauty but also authentic cultural and spiritual depth.

tourist villages in bali: immersing in the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the archipelago

Bali, known as the Island of the Gods, offers more than just stunning beaches and rich culture; it also boasts a variety of captivating tourist villages. These villages provide an authentic experience for visitors who want to immerse themselves in traditional Balinese life, arts, crafts, and breathtaking natural landscapes. They serve as windows into the lives of Balinese people, who continue to uphold their ancestral customs and traditions.   The Unique Charm of Bali's Tourist Villages Tourist villages in Bali differ from typical tourist destinations. Here, visitors are not only treated to beautiful natural scenery but also have the opportunity to interact directly with the local community, learn traditional crafts, and savor local culinary delights. Some unique aspects of Bali's tourist villages include: - Cultural Preservation: Bali’s tourist villages play a crucial role in preserving local culture and traditions. Visitors can witness traditional dances, cultural ceremonies, and the process of making handicrafts such as ikat weaving, wood carving, and silverwork. - Sustainable Ecology: Many tourist villages in Bali adopt sustainable tourism practices. They are committed to preserving natural environments, including forests, rice fields, and coral reefs. - Homestays: One of the main attractions of tourist villages is the availability of homestays. Staying in a homestay allows visitors to experience the daily life of the local community and engage closely with the host families. - Community Involvement: Village communities are actively involved in managing tourist villages. This fosters a sense of ownership and care for the sustainability of tourism. In Bali, there are approximately 239 tourist villages spread across 9 regencies/cities that have been officially recognized and established through a Decree by the Regent. This designation reflects the local government's commitment to developing community-based tourism while preserving local culture and traditions. These tourist villages offer unique and authentic experiences for visitors, with various cultural, natural attractions, and activities that showcase the daily life of the Balinese people.   Recommended Tourist Villages in Bali Bali has many tourist villages that are worth visiting. Here are some recommendations you can consider for your visit to Bali: Penglipuran Village: Known as a traditional village with well-maintained traditional Balinese architecture. Tenganan Pegringsingan Village: Famous for its unique gringsing ikat weaving and maintaining its caste system. Jatiluwih Village: A beautiful agricultural village with breathtaking terraced rice fields. Carangsari Village: A historic village rich in stories of Bali's resistance against colonial powers. Pemuteran Village: A fishing village that has become a maritime tourism destination, known for its stunning underwater beauty.   Of course, there are many other tourist villages, each with its unique characteristics and attractions that offer different and meaningful experiences for visitors. By visiting these tourist villages, you not only enjoy the natural beauty of Bali but also contribute to the preservation of culture and the well-being of local communities.


Coming Soon

This exciting feature goes live on the sweetest day of the year – February 14th, 2024!

Love Bali Application as the Implementation of Bali Province Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2023 concerning Levy for Foreign Tourists for the Protection of Balinese Culture and Natural Environment.