bali governor issued circular letter “travel requirement to bali’

In order to implementing community productive and safe from Covid-19 for tourism activities of domestic tourists that would visited Bali starting from July 30, 2020, Bali Governor issued Circular Letter No. 15.243 Tahun 2020 about Travel Requirement of Domestic Tourist to Bali. The consideration of this is the holiness and the harmony of the nature of Bali and its contents, that has precious value to be protected. The purpose of this is to make a balancing of nature, human and Balinese culture, so Bali constantly has strong attraction, being loved, being respected by people of the world. “In line with the precious values, so the tourism of Bali should to put forward the healthiness aspects and quality that give more protection, comfort, and safeness for the tourists who visited Bali in Covid-19 pandemic era,” said Governor Koster. Meanwhile the Circular Letter of Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan (GTPP) COVID-19 Number 9 Year 2020 is about the change of Circular Letter Number 7 Year 2020 about Travel Criteria and Requirement of People in New Normal Adaptation of Life Era, Toward Community Productive and Safe from Covid-19, dated June 26, 2020. As for the requirements for domestic tourists whom visited Bali, such as showing a health certificate stating Covid-19 free illness with negative PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), minimally non-reactive rapid test from authorized health institution.  The above mentioned certificate must be valid for 14 (fourteen days) from the issuance. Visitor with negative result of PCR (Polymerase Chain reaction) test certificate is not obliged to undergo swab test upon arrival in Bali, unless experience a COVID-19 respiratory symptoms. A compulsory PCR swab test in Bali should be conducted on the spot of arrival if visitor unable to provide a valid negative PCR test document, and required to stay at quarantine hotel facilities provided by the Bali Province Authority until test result delivered. Visitors with positive COVID-19 PCR test result will be proceeded to COVID-19 protocol to the nearest dedicated hospital in Bali. All expenses related to swab PCR test, quarantine or other healthcare facilities are subject to visitor personal expenses. Visitor must fill in the LOVEBALI application before the time of departure. Please access for application manual. Accommodation providers are encouraged to ensure their guest to fill in the application.  Visitors have to comply all health requirements and procedures of New Normal Protocol in accordance to Bali Government regulation during their stay in Bali, for instant wearing mask/face shield, washing hand by flowing water or using hand sanitizer, doing physical distancing minimum 1 (one) meters while sitting and interacting, and doing Cleanliness, Health and Safety (CHS) behavior. Besides that, it’s also suggested to cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or handkerchief when sneezing and coughing, avoid using hands directly to touch areas of the face such as eyes, nose, and mouth, be screened for  body temperature, clean personal items, such as mobile phones, glasses, bags, masks, and other items, with disinfectant liquid as needed. Being cooperative and willing to be examined by health workers in the framework of preventing the spread of COVID 19, avoid physical contact when greeting. Visitors required to activate Global Positioning System (GPS) on their smartphone/gadget to ensure safe and seamless travel. Visitors may submit feedback or complain through LOVEBALI application Visitor must comply all provision mentioned on this circular. Violators will be subject to sanction in accordance with applicable regulations.  

governor of bali, koster issued three governor regulations for culture and bali nature conservation

 Denpasar- In situation of Covid-19 pandemic, Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster still consistently concerned on culture and nature conservation. It was proven by issuing Governor Regulation number 25 in Year 2020 regarding Protection of temple, pratima (purified symbol) and religious symbol, Governor Regulation number 24 in Year 2020 concerning Lake, Water spring, river and sea as well as Governor Regulation number 26 in Year 2020 regarding the Security System of Integration Environment Based on Traditional Village (SIPANDU BERADAT). Thus, it revealed when Governor, Koster announced the issue of three Governor Regulations which aimed to maintain and preserve values of Balinese local wisdom on Saturday (10/7) in the official house of Governor of Bali, Jayasabha, Denpasar. Governor, Koster was also accompanied by Secretary of Bali Province, Dewa Made Indra, Bendesa Agung of customary village assembly, Ida Pengilisir Agung Putra Sukehet, the head of PHDI Bali, I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana and the head of customary village advancement office, I Gusti Agung Ketut Kartika Jaya Seputra and Penyarikan Agung of customary village assembly, I Ketut Sumarta. According to the most important person in Bali, Governor Regulation concerning protection of temple and Pratima (purified symbol) aimed at protecting Hindu holy shrine from damage, thievery, desecration and trespass on religious symbol. This regulation also aimed at facilitating prevention and countermeasures the damage, destruction of temple pratima  (purified symbol) and Hindu religious symbol with sekala –niskala (the seen-unseen)” , he explained to the media. Governor continued the protection of temple, pratima (purified symbol), and religious symbol was implemented by inventory, security, maintenance, rescue and publication. Meanwhile, the security of the temple was conducted by Pengempon Pura(group of society who were responsible to manage the holy shrine / temple) that cooperate with traditional village and local government. The security of the temple was conducted by preserving the existence of temple which had historical value and cultural heritage. Therefore, I hoped that Pengempon Puraand local community participated proactively in informing the existence of the temple which had historical value or presumed cultural heritage to the relevant agency, he asked.    

strengthening and developing balinese culture, bali government issuing regional law no 4 year 2020

Denpasar – Balinese culture is unique and has precious value that inherited from ancestor which is implemented by Balinese people from generation to generations. The existence of this culture is needed to be strengthen and be developed accordance to the development vision of Bali  Governtment Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali. Considering this, Government of Bali issued Regional Law, Number 4 year 2020 about Strengthening and Developing of Balinese Culture. The regulation is consisting of 20 chapters and 81 articles were launched by Governor of Bali Wayan Koster at Balai Karangasem, Museum Bali, Denpasar, on Wednesday (7/16).  Governor Koster said that the regulation was arranged and prepared from a long time seriously. “Prepared for long time. Once I was appointed as a governor, among the priority program as the implementation of vision program Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali” he said. Then Governor Koster said that strengthening and developing  Balinese Culture is  to anticipate the dynamics societies changing locally, nationally and globally, impacting to the existence of Balinese Culture and its development. It’s as well strengthening national Culture and return Bali as the center of world civilization or Bali Padma Bhuwana. “The main wealth of Bali is the culture, so that there  should be a regulation to strengthen and to protect the culture itself,” he stressed. The number one people of Bali added that the purposes of the regulation are to be guidelines of strengthening the identity of Balinese people, covering the values of culture, developing culture to increase cultural resilience and Bali cultural contribution to the world civilization, nurturing culture in individual lives, societies and bodies, and to increasing welfare and the harmony of Bali societies life order in niskala (unseen world) – sekala (seen world). “This regulation contain of the strengthening and developing of Balinese Culture. This is the implementation of the strength commitment and the Bali Government consistency to mainstreaming Balinese culture through the enhancement, protection, coaching, development, and the used of Bali Culture advancement, to concerned the holiness and the harmony of Balinese Nature”, he said. He added, Bali Government with the whole society component do cultural mainstreaming in all aspect of life. First, make the culture as the values source of character building, ethics, morals, ethics, and manners in community life order. Second, culture is a product of art. And the third, culture as the base of economic development and the source of community welfare. Governor Koster who is also the Head of DPD PDIP Bali said that a number of new point that is regulated in this Regional Bylaw. For instant, Ceraken Kebudayaan Bali is a system of integrated culture data management based on digital technology, Jantra Tradisi Bali is activity of cultural tradition appreciation for strengthening and developing local genius, traditional knowledge, traditional technology, traditional treatment, folk game, and traditional sports. Next, Festival Seni Bali Jani is a mode of modern art development, contemporary art, innovative art, and Perayaaan Kebudayaan Dunia as a culture diplomatic effort in world forum to return Bali as the center of world civilization or Padma Bhuwana.


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This exciting feature goes live on the sweetest day of the year – February 14th, 2024!

Love Bali Application as the Implementation of Bali Province Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2023 concerning Levy for Foreign Tourists for the Protection of Balinese Culture and Natural Environment.